June 13, 2017
Imagine what your life would be like if you could be an EcoPreacher taking part in God’s work to heal our planet – right from the pulpit. What if your parishioners were inspired by your preaching to address the most pressing environmental concerns of our time? Imagine hearing your parishioners actually thank you for preaching about protecting our planet. How about discovering a new dimension to your preaching that opens a whole new world of perspectives, creative ideas, and inspiration for reaching people with God’s Word?
* Discover a whole new perspective for engaging the Bible that deepens and expands your faith.
* Learn how we can proclaim justice for God’s Creation in the face of climate change and
environmental devastation.
* Be equipped with the knowledge and tools you need to make your preaching relevant, courageous and creative.
* Be inspired to make a difference for
our planet . . .
your community . . .
our future.

Creation-Crisis Preaching
God's Creation needs good preaching. Good preaching needs God's Creation.
Leah Schade is available for workshops, presentations,
retreats and speaking events. Contact her at lschade@lextheo.edu.
Leah will be presenting at the Wild Goose Festival in Hot Spring, NC
July 14 and 15
Her session info is available here:
Enter the special code BEMYGUEST for a 25% discount on tickets!
Are you attending the General Assembly of the
Disciples of Christ-Christian Church in July?
Catch Leah at the "A Climate for Faithful Action" panel, July 11, 8:45 a.m.
Indiana-Kentucky Synod Assembly, June 2017
Workshop on Justice and Community Organizing for Churches
Wake Forest School of Divinity
Festival Week of Prophetic Ministry
Preaching, teaching and sermon evaluations.
For more information, visit here.
Academy of Homiletics, San Antonio, TX
Society for Biblical Literature, San Antonio, TX
Theological Education with Youth
The Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg
Upper Susquehanna Synod, PA (ELCA) Bishop’s Conference
Theme: Preaching in the Purple Zone -
Homiletics in a time of contentious politics
The Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg (PA)
Preaching Perspectives event:
“Preaching and Science in a Time of Creation-Crisis”
World Parliament of Religions, Salt Lake City, UT
Workshop on "Creation-Crisis Preaching for Engaging Scripture, Ecological Context and Homiletical Creativity."
“With this slingshot of a book Leah Schade has alerted the people, named the danger, and taken aim to help topple the creation-killing Goliaths of our day. She calls the preacher to claim the Biblical privilege and power for environmental story and truth-telling, and then lays out possibilities for those who would be, and should be champions for the stewardship and healing of the earth.
My attention to scripture in light of this eco-crisis and my preaching has changed since reading this very timely and important book. You will find the depth of her scholarship compelling, her theological and urgent imperatives to address this eco-crisis convincing, and her illustrative sermons captivating.”
—Claire Burkat, Bishop, Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod, ELCA
The Rev. Dr. Leah Schade, Ph.D., is an ordained minister in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America recently appointed as the Assistant Professor of Preaching and Worship at Lexington Theological Seminary in Lexington, Kentucky. Prior to that, she pastored three different churches in Pennsylvania during 16 years of ministry.
Dr. Schade is an anti-fracking and climate activist and advocate for environmental justice issues, and is a trained workshop leader for Lutherans Restoring Creation, a grassroots movement helping congregations learn how to “go green.” As a community organizer, Schade served as the coordinator of a local grassroots effort to halt plans for a proposed tire incinerator in Union County. She has presented testimony at numerous state and federal hearings on several different environmental issues. She has been featured on local radio talk shows and interfaith workshops on care-of-Creation issues.
Samples of her sermons, book and film reviews and other writings can be found on her blog: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/ecopreacher/. She is also a professional harpist and her CD, Shall We Gather, is available at http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/ldschade.